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Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails can be incredibly painful. Untreatedthey will become infected. All cases require medicaltreatment. At Family Foot Center, Board Certifiedpodiatrist Dr. Stanley Zawada has cured patients of their ingrown toenails for more than two decades. His years of foot care experience ensure that your treatment is quick, effective, and painless !

The symptoms of an ingrown toenail include:

  • Pain and tenderness along the side of your toenail
  • Redness or swelling surrounding your toenail
  • Clear or yellow drainage

When you suspect that you have an ingrown toenail, it is important to contact Family Foot Center for an appointment. If an ingrown toenail is left untreated, it could lead to an infection or loss of the toenail. These tips will help you to understand why you got an ingrown toenail, how Family Foot Center podiatrist Queens treats them and how you can prevent a recurrence of this frustrating foot problem.

Symptoms of an Ingrown Toenail

Although the great toe is most often affected, any toe can get an ingrown toenail. The symptoms of an ingrown toenail include pain and tenderness along the sides of the nail. You may also notice that the skin around your toenail is red and inflamed. In most cases, you will notice that the affected area of the toe is tender to the touch. The tenderness may spread to the tip of your toe. Putting on tight-fitting shoes could make the ingrown toenail feel worse.

Complications of an Ingrown Toenail

If the toenail is not promptly cared for, it could develop a white or yellow discharge. This is a sign of infection and requires medical care form our podiatrist at Family Foot Care. If you have diabetes or another condition that affects your circulation, it is especially important to come in to have the toenail treated. A severe ingrown toenail in a person who is diabetes might cause a deep infection that reaches the bone. Because of the circulation problems associated with diabetes, you might not feel an ingrown toenail until it has become severe. Our podiatrist Queens provides ingrown toenail care to everyone who needs it, including people with diabetes.

Causes of Ingrown Toenails

Most ingrown toenails result from improper trimming of the nail. Cutting the nail so that the corners are curved or jagged is a common cause of this problem. If a toenail is allowed to grow long, it could start to grow into the skin. Injuries or improperly fitting footwear could contribute to the ingrown nail. If the toes do not have enough room to naturally spread out, the nail could grow into the skin. Shoes that are too small or have a pointed toe area contribute to ingrown toenails. Dropping something heavy onto your foot or badly tearing off the toenail could also lead part of it to grow into the skin.

If you have, or think you may have, an Ingrown Toenail,
don’t hesitate, call Family Foot Center at 718-767-5555.

Request your appointment NOW!


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Why Choose Us?

  • Board Certified: ABPM (American Board of Podiatric Medicine)
  • Board Certified: ABMSP (American Board of Multiple Specialties in Podiatry)
  • Fellow, American College of Foot Orthopedists
  • Adjunct Staff, Midwestern Regional Medical Center Residency Program